New Earth Day is dedicated to healing the whole of Mother Earth. This day is dedicated to healing Her mind, body, heart, and spirit. We are moving beyond the physical healing that humanity has been focusing on in the past. It is time to reconnect our hearts to Her heart. It is time to heal our relationship with Her on an emotional and spiritual level. It is time to inter-create a New Earth where everyone thrives. It is time to restore the garden of peace our planet once was. You get to be a vital part of this process !
Stay in touch as this new celebration of Earth is brought to fruition.
Our inaugural New Earth Day is April 22, 2021.
We have decided to overlay New Earth Day onto the already existing Earth Day. The conscious efforts of cleaning up and healing Earth's surface, air and water, combined with our focus on energetic healing for Earth's heart, will create an explosion of possibilities for all life on Earth.
This year, join us in the global movement of Ho'oponono to heal our Mother's heart and our hearts with it.
Join the email list and be a part of actively creating and participating in New Earth Day.